Business Advisory

Business Advisory

Successful entrepreneurs and start-ups take advantage of our business advisory sessions, because it gives a fresh view of your business, by interjecting prospective evaluations. Evaluations help to aide with all stages of a business to help optimize money generation. Our trained professionals are here to advise, whether it is in the start up, growth, or transition cycle. Whichever stage you are at or whatever challenges you are facing, we’ll tailor our services to your needs, bringing in our full-service team to support you every step of the way. Always ask and consider these questions:
Should I start a business? Should I open a new location? How should I price my new product line or should I even add a new product?  Can I manage cash flow when starting a project?  How much can I afford to pay my staff? When should I hire new staff to keep up with business demands? When can I project a profit from my business? Do I have enough money to pay for advertising?

Our company exclusively offers a Grant Writing Service, where we provide advice and research to your industry. We have a team of professionals that know exactly how to get grants approved, and advise you on your best options.

Advisory services include:
• Management advisory
• Financial modeling
• Business financing assistance/ grants
• Mergers and acquisitions
• Corporate structuring and restructuring
• Reorganizations
• Cash flow projections
• succession planning


*****Business Specialization Service—During the Pandemic 

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the business landscape and ultimately how people can operate their business. Evaluations have never been more important as a lot of businesses are now in the “transition stage”. The new normal in the business world is what we call ICM which stands for Innovation, consolidations, and mergers. These can be stressful and overwhelming endeavors; however, we are super confident in our measures and strategies.

Where does your business stand in the pandemic? Where does your business stand post pandemic? Have you received any grants? Have you applied for grants? Are you renting a commercial space? Do you have employees? Is your business online?

In the current business climate, you urgently need to understand your cash flow situation and future business projections. It is critical to get your financial house in order, when it comes your business during the pandemic.

Looking for a First-Class Business Plan ?

Service Updates

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, we are still open as we are an Essential Service. Alternatively, we are able to provide virtual appointments, and phone services.

Safety is our primary concern, so you can be sure that we follow all the guidelines and protocols from the Ontario Government and Public Health Canada, in regards to Covid-19.

For more information or concerns, please contact us at: