
Tech Savvy Financial Firm

When you outsource any services to us, we’re able to handle all your financial information and provide all the required services in our office. We use the most secure online software that allows us to operate with ease.

Audit and Assurance

Our professionals are the best in the business. They will ensure your books are up to date.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, there are numerous grants and services available for eligible businesses. 

Turnaround Consulting

Expect to hear from us, within 24 hrs. 

Featured Services

Cash Flow Analysis

Cash flow is the pinnacle of every business. A cash flow analysis is a method for examining how a business generates and spends money, over a specific period of time. We can help you figure out where your money is going and how much cash you have available. 

Business Advising

Whatever challenges you’re facing, we’ll tailor our service to your needs. Rather than relying on your intuition to answer these questions, business owners can benefit from a quantitative approach to assessing the risks and long-term financial benefits.

Financial Modelling

You can be confident that we will take care of your bookkeeping, tax, compliance, and accounting. We will save you money, as we consider the needs of your business when offering our budgeting service. We’re here to make things easier.

Clients Love our Services and make Referrals

Our team of professionals are so happy for all the referrals we receive. We aim to make running a business easy; that is why we  provide bookkeeping, payroll, tax, budgeting, cashflow and internal accounting services you require. If you are looking for consistency and continuity for your organization’s accounting and financial practices, we offer a stress-free, economical, long-term solutions.

I use Beacon's services for my entire business. They are a one stop shop, where I can meet all my accounting and financial needs.
Tom Samson
App Designer
Happy Clients
Grants Written
Current Projects

Customer Reviews

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Service Updates

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, we are still open as we are an Essential Service. Alternatively, we are able to provide virtual appointments, and phone services.

Safety is our primary concern, so you can be sure that we follow all the guidelines and protocols from the Ontario Government and Public Health Canada, in regards to Covid-19.

For more information or concerns, please contact us at: info@beaconfinancialspecialists.com